Reference Pages

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Quickie Mini Tip 1 - Tiny URL

Sorry, had to repost this (Brain malfunction)

Just popped in to give you nice little link to a piece of FREE software that I use regularly - Tiny URL.

They can explain it better than me, but the software simply converts those

l o n g  a d d r e s s e s into tiny ones.

This will be particularly useful if you want to include a url in an ebook, or when email marketing to your customers, you can disguise the product
*, link* or hoplink* with a nice neat tinyurl. Should you venture into using You Tube in your advertising, you can add a tiny url, which is quicker for interested potential customers to jot down, and gives you the option to keep the address discreet.
More people are likely to click on a tinyurl address than one in which they can easily read where it takes them.

You can also add their address to your browser's toolbar, making it quick to access.

To get the FREE software, or take a look simply click 
here, or go to:

I hope that made some sense
* More about these later.

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